Kaise Banega Swachh India – Mere 10 Guz | BSI

This year, the Cleanathon campaign by RB in collaboration with NDTV India will be taken to another level through a holistic approach to the cause of cleanliness. On 02 October, 2016, it encouraged the participants to claim, clean and maintain 10 yards of their surroundings through #Mere10Guz. Eminent leaders, celebrities, and policymakers came forward and advocated the cause of cleanliness by promoting this campaign. The cause witnessed a huge participation from all over India.

Cleanathon is a national-level initiative to generate mass awareness about cleanliness. Further, Dettol's Banega Swachh India initiative is going to be an all-encompassing movement by touching all aspects of cleanliness and conducting large-scale events in big cities like Delhi, Allahabad, Mumbai, and Bangalore. It's going to convey to everyone to increase the #Mere10Guz campaign to air and water also, so that we transform our environment into Swachh Zameen (clean land), Swachh Hawa (clean air) and Swachh Pani (clean water).

Besides, the campaign will be spreading all the relevant awareness related to cleanliness such as -

  • Clean Soil (Swachh Zameen):
    • Discussing Waste Management Solutions through segregation, recycling, landfills.
  • Clean Air (Swachh Hawa):
    • Highlighting the causes of air pollution and its adverse effects on health.
    • Inviting expert doctors to throw more light on the issue.
  • Clean water (Swachh Pani):
    • Adopting ways to keep river and ecosystems clean.

Change begins with you. Using effective antibacterial cleansing products like Dettol to keep infections at bay can be a big step towards prevention of untimely diseases. Let’s all march ahead towards a cleaner India.

It’s an ongoing activity. In 2014 and 2015, Cleanthon managed to raise £28 M and 10 M volunteer hours.

In 2016, we came up with the initiative of neighborhood cleaning- #Mere10Guz which resulted in cleaning up of 10 largest monuments in India and generated over 1 billion impressions on social media.